Book Details

The Mystery of Christ interprets The Revelation of Jesus Christ using the Scriptures as the key to understanding the visions. No other book of the Bible contains more quotations and allusions to other Scripture than does the Book of Revelation, and the visions become clearer as we review how the same figures of speech and symbolic language have been used and explained by earlier writers of the Word.

The Mystery of Christ. Hardcover. 615 pages

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What did most early Anabaptists believe on the fulfillment of prophecy written about in the Book of Revelation?

Anabaptist View of the Revelation. Softcover. 64 pages.

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Hidden in many Old Testament passages are layers of meaning and truth that go unnoticed without deeper, diligent study. Like the parable that Jesus taught, stories in the Old Testament are instructive on the surface, but much greater truths lie within them. These are deeply affirming truths that only become evident to those who truly seek them. God chose stories and designed rituals whose full significances were obscured to the Old Testament saints, but today they are revealed by His Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind. This book is about those secrets, revealed.

Also available in bilingual Spanish/English version.

The Shadow of the Cross. Softcover. 206 pages.

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There are many stories that could be told of everyday living in the Amish and Mennonite community: ordinary stories and extraordinary ones. They can inspire us to live zealous lives for God and Man. Maybe it’s because the Amish and conservative Mennonite people strive to live modest lives that we have so little written record of these stories, or maybe it is because they tend to live ordinary lives and don’t esteem greatness as the world does. We hear about great philosophers, politicians, and speakers, yet, it is though common people living humble, passionate lives for God that his work is often done.

This books is about two such persons. My father had a special zeal to know God and he grew up in a godly Amish home. He faced the joys and sorrows of life. He became a well-known leader and writer in the Anabaptist community and lived for 93 years. In this book I tell stories of his life as well as my mother’s, and the lives of others from the early 1900’s and onward.

Peace at Last. Softcover. 136 pages.

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